Kaj bi jaz brez Iztoka Noč? Najbrž bi mi bilo 2x bolj dolgčas v življenju. Najbrž ne bi tako z lahkoto napredovala pri izdelavi internetnih strani brez dostopa do njegovega serverja. Najbrž ne bi bila nikoli na Nanosu – zlasti ne ob takem vetru, ki lahko človeka odpihne….
Druženje z Iztokom Noč je zabavno in zanimivo zaradi več stvari. Iztok je:
- dobra družba, fajn za klepet,
- pripravljen pomagat, če gre kaj narobe,
- nadebuden pohodnik, ki me zvleče ven na izlete v naravo – se razgibat in si ogledovat fajn stvari,
- odličen fotograf, ki poslika moje pse, jih objavi na iStock-u (da malo zasluži) in s tem
omogoči, da je eden od mojih psov, moj Larek, na naslovnici knjige izdane v Novi Zelandiji, na drugem koncu sveta!
Iztok pač vedno kaj ušpiči – in če slučajno ne zgleda obetavno že prvi trenutek, se vedno kasneje izkaže zabavno. Tokrat mi je polepšal dan z linkom na stran knjige, kjer v trikolorju kraljuje na naslovki moj prelepi, ljubi Larek. Ogled linka tukaj.
Pa še povzetek strani:
Old Drumble:
The Smartest Drover’s Dog There Ever Was
Old Drumble is no ordinary sheep dog. As his master, Andy the Drover, tells it – he’s had some pretty amazing adventures. Like the time he persuaded a frightened mob of sheep to cross a flooded river… on a tightrope. Or the time he had to get Old Nosy, Andy’s horse, our of trouble…
The humorous and heartwarming story of Jack Jackman, a young boy who wants to be a stock drover, set in the small Waikato township of Waharoa in the late 1930s. Jack has a warm relationship with his parents and an old family friend, Andy the Drover, who each week drives a mob of cattle or sheep through the main street with the help of his dog, Old Drumble, and his horse, Nosy. All three become the boy’s close friends over the long hot summer holidays, and each week Andy tells him and even more amazing story of how Old Drumble has saved the day yet again, with each adventure becoming more and more absurd – and in the hands of a master storyteller like Jack Lasenby, a passionate advocate of children’s literacy, the result is pure magic.
Old Drumble (HarperCollins, 2008) is a story about ‘the smartest, cunningest, cleverest sheep dog there ever was.’ Old Drumble was awarded Best Junior Fiction Book at the 2009 New Zealand Post Book Awards for Children and Young Adults. It was also listed as a 2009 Storylines Notable Junior Fiction Book.